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I have made living a conscious, loving life which reflects and supports my deepest felt sense  a priority for many years now (there’s our first value!), that pulling out the most essential elements is a little difficult—which perhaps is all the more reason to reflect on it.

  • Firstly, I’ve chosen a vegetarian diet for over 15 years now. When people ask me why, generally my response is simply, “…it’s a choice I’ve made to reflect my respect for all life.” Another way I often describe it is as ahimsa—a commitment to doing no harm. This leads me to another value…
  • I find that rigidity and dogmatism are simply not helpful and tend to polarize people, discredit our own positions and shut the listening of others down. That being said, I am not a militant vegetarian (as I said, the choice was made out of respect for ALL life).
  • I believe in the power of a radically open mind. Having my views, beliefs, opinions, and assumptions challenged is a gift, and opportunity to expand my understanding from my limited perspective to something larger and more encompassing. We’re all viewing the world through a unique lens, and I think we need each other to share what we observe from our vantage point if we’re ever going to get the slightest glimpse of the larger picture.
  • I try to give everyone I interact with, no matter how mundane or superficial, the respect of my full presence, attention, and open mind.
  • I take each dollar I spend as a vote for something, so some of the questions I ask before making any purchase are, “is this an industry/product I want to support? Where did it come from? What was involved in its creation? Where will it go when I’m done with it? Is it harmful? Is it helpful?” For this reason, as well as a consideration of my own health and wellbeing, I choose to eat nearly entirely organic and local when possible.  
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.