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I am swimming in Your gifts...

You are the ocean I swim in

And You splash wildly inside me


In the despairing moments of the night

When this life shrinks around me into

A muted grey snow-globe world

Fixed, static, confined

Tangled in the doubts of my mind

In a facsimile of living

I shake things up

Only to come back to a world unchanged

Plastic and meaningless


You tap at the encasement around my heart

Like a curious child at the zoo...

"Come, you beautiful creature...

Have you forgotten that love sets you free?

You toil in this cage needlessly"


And the world is awash with color and fire

Once again...


Tell me my Love, how is it that I feel so alone

Most strikingly in the the company of others...?


"I was a jewel that wished to be known..."


I wish to be known.

But the chasm between me and others

Seems too great a distance to leap

And too great a distance to bear


"No chasm. No distance."


And You know me

But I know so little of You

Only what brief precious glances I catch

You lift the veil from Your face but for an instant

A cheek. A chin. The slightest glimmer of a lip.



Drunk on the Universe


I know so little of You

Yet, it is enough to dedicate the whole of my breif life

In service to You

As a scholar and student of Love


So teach me to Love more fully

Teach me to surrender totally

To trust completely

To see the world and those who share it with me

As You...


I am so far from this...


Bismillah... a breath

Bismillah... a step

Bismillah... a bite


And there You are in every moment

Mundane and holy

Please forgive my impatience

For sometimes it seems too long a path to Your side

For a life so quickly lived


Bismillah... a breath

Bismillah... a step

Bismillah... a bite


I live my life lost in Your arms

My face buried in Your chest

And like a hallucination brought on

by the fever of living life without pause


I forget You are so near

And call out for You

As a lost and frightened child

Doubting and questioning...

Have I gone the right way?

Am I doing what I need to do?


While You, my Love, smile so sweetly

Writing love poetry to Yourself

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