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The Academic Coaching Program (ACP) is run by trained and experienced Naropa graduate students who offer one-on-one academic coaching sessions and presentations tailored to support your academic journey. 


Possible topics to discuss with your Academic Coach:


Exploring Learning Styles:

  • Take the Multiple Intelligence Inventory, VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic), or LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory)
  • Discuss how your unique learning style can be utilized to maximize efficiency while studying and during class

Reading a Syllabus:

  • Identify objectives, policies, attendance rules, regulations, and expectations of the course
  • Locate important contact information, location, and availability of the instructor
  • Highlight the major projects, readings, and assignments in the syllabus. Add this information to your personal organization method, i.e., planner, computer, or application.

Establishing Study Habits:

  • Begin the semester strong and set regular study habits from week one.
  • Discuss what time of day feels most productive and establish habits to utilize that time.
  • Find a place to study—which context sets you up for success?
  • Scheduling regular study time—immediately before or after lecture to increase retainment
  • Practice with tools and Apps that help facilitate taking 5-10 minute breaks each hour.
  • Tips for forming study groups

Organizational Skills:

  • Identify the organizational method that makes most sense to you. Whether it’s your planner, iPad, iPhone, calendar, or notebook, have a set plan for keeping important information in one place
  • Organize classes by separate tabs, binders, folder, or notebook.
  • Use the space in the ACP room to enter all of the important due dates, mid-terms, and meetings for the semester in your iPad, computer, or planner

Effective Time Management:

  • Develop a block schedule to differentiate class, work, and play.
  • Define priorities; learn to balance school and self-care
  • Create a weekly calendar: List courses, work, study time, recreation, meals, etc.
  • Learn to what distractions can  block creativity and productivity
  • Use backward planning to help develop specific and attainable goals for finishing projects and papers before they are due

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

  • Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (Who, What, Where, Why)
  • Measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met?
  • Attainable: How can the goal be accomplished? (Is it challenging, but not out of reach?)
  • Relevant: Does this goal seem worthwhile? Why do you care?
  • Time-Bound: What’s the timeline for the goal? When do you want it completed by?
  • How are you tracking the progress of your goals? Create poster/visual aid to believe in it

Managing Stress:

  • Identify what “stresses you out”
  • Develop strategies for effectively working with stress
  • Define which unique strategy works for you in relation to stress—what helps?

Reading with More Speed and Efficiency:

  • Learn simple strategies to increase reading speed and comprehension
  • Discuss different ways of approaching various genres of text (textbook, novel, journal, etc.)
  • Prioritize readings, which are the most important or difficult for you to retain?

Keys to Getting Back on Track When Behind:

  • Develop a SMART goal plan for getting caught up
  • Assess current standing in class; determine if passing is still a possibility
  • Use the GPA calculator to assess different outcomes


  • Identify what motivates you and what doesn’t
  • Learn tips and strategies for staying motivated while in class and studying
  • Determine what distractions are contributing to your lack of motivation
  • Learn tips for tuning out your social network while trying to work

Writing Skills:

  • Determine whether the Writing Center would benefit your writing
  • Identify which skills you feel confident with and which you need support in
  • Use the time in the ACP office to schedule a Writing Center appointment

Test Anxiety:

  • Tips and techniques for handling test related anxiety
  • How to study differently for different exams (warrior, written, and objective tests)

Importance of Instructor Contact:

  • Learn how to write a professional e-mail to you instructor, requesting a meeting
  • Discuss the most effective ways to communicate with the instructor—define goals for the meeting and what you want to get out of it
  • Understand the benefits and importance of a strong student/instructor relationship
  • Learn how to ask for a professional letter of recommendation
  • How to ask for feedback and support


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.